Disabling toll-free numbers and Dial-out permission For Organization

Copper Contributor



Is there any policy in Teams which can disable toll-free and Dial-out for whole organization? 


Is it possible to create a policy in Teams and assign it to specific distribution group? 

8 Replies

@ShellyFigueroa Hi Shelly, it is talking about specific users. Not by policy for specific groups. 

@Hasan Siddiqui Hello, the outbound calling restriction policies for Audio Conferencing and user PSTN calls are also applied on a per-user basis. So both are per-user (disabling toll-free numbers and this one) at least according to the MS docs.


Maybe you could use a policy package, have to do some research.

@ChristianBergstrom Is there any update on this?  We'd like to turn off toll-free for all users by default, and only enable for select users.  As is, we are running a PowerShell script to turn it off for everyone except users within a CSV, and it keeps failing (despite multiple retry attempts).  Please advise.

@FrankBastone Wow, can't even remember I replied to this topic tbh! Especially since I never use these policies. Anyway, I had to refresh myself and from what I can tell you can use Outbound call restrictions - Audio Conferencing & PSTN calls - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Docs together with Grant-CsDialoutPolicy (SkypeForBusiness) | Microsoft Docs (even to all users in your organization).


When it comes to disable the toll-free numbers I really don't know if you can set it for all users at once with a simple command as with the Grant-CsDialoutPolicy. Did a search and found this Disabling Toll Free Dial In Numbers in Microsoft Audio Conferencing – Ten Thirty One


Let me ping @Linus Cansby who perhaps knows more about it.


Linus, Set-CsOnlineDialInConferencingUser and the AllowTollFreeDialIn $false to all users require some manual PowerShell scripting as per the link above and what @FrankBastone is using, correct?

@FrankBastone Could this be something you are looking for:

TeamsManagement/Teams-AllowTollFreeDialIn.ps1 at main · lcansby/TeamsManagement · GitHub


1. Create a CSV file with header UserPrincipalName and one UPN per row below.

2. Run .\Teams-AllowTollFreeDialIn.ps1 -Users C:\Temp\Users.csv -AllowTollFreeDialIn $false

Thanks Christian for the quick reply. We saw these, but the method of removing toll-free on a per user basis is quite challenging given we are constantly adding/removing users via AD-group based licensing, where once a user is provided the Audio conference license, the toll-free is enabled by default, and we can only remove it once the license is active. Ideally, we want to do the opposite, set toll-free off for all by default, and only enable it based on an AD group membership. Appreciate any further advice/recommendations. :)
Thanks Linus. The current script we are using does something similar, but often fails and requires multiple retries. We also have thousands of users that need to be assigned the license, and subsequently turn off toll-free, so this script is not only required for the initial roll-out, but also for ongoing additions/changes. I'll give the script a try and will provide feedback. Cheers.