'Dial-in callers can be the first person in a meeting' via PowerShell

Copper Contributor


Does anyone know where the 'Dial-in callers can be the first person in a meeting' setting is in PowerShell? I have 2,000 accounts to update and need to script this. This used to be labled as 'Unauthenticated users can be the first person in the meeting' but I cant find any PowerShell refernce to this setting. the option is available through the Teams Admin Centre as decribed here:


3 Replies

Hi everyone, just in case anyone else was looking for this, you can managed the default settings via -

Set-CsOnlineDialInConferencingTenantSettings -AllowPSTNOnlyMeetingsByDefault $true | $false




Set-CsOnlineDialInConferencingUser neil@petersenit.co.uk -AllowPstnOnlyMeetings $true 

FYI - The above didn't seem to alter the existing users so have just updated the existing users with : Set-CsOnlineDialInConferencingUser -Identity Neil.Petersen@domain.com -AllowPstnOnlyMeetings $true