Clean all traces of MS Teams sign-in on laptop

Copper Contributor

I used my business  email  once to have MS Teams meeting on my wife's laptop.  She has her own personal login to MS Teams which is .  She is participating now in online course and training company  provided a link to join  a meeting in MS Teams.  She clicked on this link  and it invoked MS Teams with my business credentials . She didn't pay attention to it  and joined the meeting as myself.  After that any attempt to join the meeting again  as herself  after click on the link in a browser  was unsuccessful.  The following steps didn't help :

1. Launching MS Teams  app and explicitly select her credentials. Click on the link invokes another instance of MS Teams with my credentials.

2. Disabling the device using my business account  in

and rebooting laptop and selecting her credentials again on MS Teams start-up. Click on the link still opens another instance of  MS Teams with my credentials.

What I see in a browser :
Device is disabled   |  Organisation Status  Active

Basically what I want is to clear any traces about myself ideally in MS Teams only  or completely  on this device ( I am office365 user for my business email ).  I.e. when MS Teams is launched, I don't want to see myself in the list  of sign-ins.



1 Reply
Looks like it is rather Windows 10 thing. I had to - Setting > Accounts > Access work or school > Manage your account > Disconnect . It kept work account in "Connected" state and looks like click on an invitation link and then "Open MS Teams App" option automatically gives a precedence to MS Teams work login without possibility to select the personal one.