Chat Function not enabled for all

Copper Contributor

As we are using Teams a lot in school we have two issues at present:

1) If you set a meeting up with a channel but add additional pupils or teachers into the meeting they cannot see and add to the meeting chat.

2) Where we need to put two groups into one it will only let you select one channel at a time.

Has anyone got any nugget of information on how to fix these issues please?
3 Replies
1) this is by design and since it’s a channel meeting they cannot access the chat since it’s stored in that teams-channels conversation area!
Nothing to do here afaik
2) if you are referring to a meeting with 2 channel, you can’t! I’d suggest creating a normal private meeting and invite all attendees manually here!

For any request about features go here:

Thanks for the response - Really useful to know that there’s no fix so I don’t waste my time.

Would you happen to know how you can delete a recording without it going in the chat and giving everyone in the channel the option to download? In the summer this was no problem but now it is appearing to be one.
You can go into Stream and change the permissions alt OneDrive/Shareapoint if you enabled the new experience regarding recordings