Channel Sync - OneDrive takes old name instead of new Displayname

Steel Contributor

Hi everyone,


i create Teams with an "identifier" as a name - following our naming policy. After that i rename it to its destination display name. 

This has worked fine for ~50 times.

But with a new Team - if you sync a channel of this Team - it still has the "old" name.

If i open it in SharePoint and sync it from there - i get the right name.


I also renamed it afterwards several times - it stays with this error.

Anyone else had this problem?




4 Replies
No one? I will open up a ticket at microsoft

@StephanGee - Did you find an answer to this problem? I'm having the same issue. Thanks! 

Not a successful ticket.
Support said that it was "by design".

If you rename a Team it will not rename the name of the SharePoint Site / M365 Group. Therefore it has still the old name.
I said this worked for almost 2 years - but no help there.
The problem vanished in our tenant. So i moved on.

For a quick fix - rename the sharepoint/m365 group display name.
Thanks for the help on this, Stephan.