Channel posts engage

Copper Contributor
I really need a solution for to engage people in a channel conversation, because the posts do not appear in Microsoft Teams Chat Section. Nobody in my organization is attention in Activity Section, just chat Section. But an easy solution, for me, is to simply synchronize the posts in channel teams to also appear in Chat Section. Is it possible?
2 Replies
Hi! No this is not possible! I’d suggest you use @ mentions for either users , channels or the entire team in order for them to get notified!
Thanks for the answer. So bad it's not possible. Is there some plan to change and make it possible?

When I use @ to mentioned a person in the channel chat (post), how the notification appears to them? Is it in the activity section? If so, it's bad cause people don't pay attention do this. Is it appear as an email? If yes, it kind of help. But, the better solution it's to appears at Chat Section that's everyone uses.