Channel planners tab and a "merged" planner tab

Copper Contributor

Hi all,

I'm trying to see if the following is possible in MS TEAMS:

Suppose to have one Team working on several indipendent aspects of a given project (1 aspect = 1 channel); let's assume for instance that TEAM A has 4 channels (GENERAL and three custom channels  ADMINISTRATION, DEVELOPMENT, MAINTENANCE). Each custom channel has its own indipendent "Planner" tab and schema (in our case let's call them ADMIN_PLAN, DEVEL_PLAN and MAINT_PLAN).  Now the manager wants to have a planner tab under GENERAL that is in reality a "merged" view of what's contained in the first three; so that he can get an "at-a-glance" idea of what's going on. Of course updating a custom plan would show up in the "merged" view.

is it possible? if yes, how?


Thanks in advance for any help


1 Reply
Not currently possible with out of the box features. Something could probably be built reading this data from the graph api and the plan ID, but there isn't a way to rollup Team tasks, only your own tasks via the Planner app.