Cannot add tab in Teams

Copper Contributor

After creating a calendar in Sharepoint, I go to a teams channel

Click the + icon to add the new calendar to teams 

Click the website tab, add the calendar name, and share point URL pointing to the calendar created in SharePoint

Click save which results in an error "Unable to save the configuration for "Website".


This happens with any tab I attempt to add by clicking on the plus icon.  


Do I need a Microsoft Exchange account for this to work? 


3 Replies



Hi, I just tested the same and it worked fine for me.  I do have an Exchange Online licence but I'm not sure that is relevant as you can open the calendar in SharePoint without an Exchange licence it seems?  

Thanks for the response @PeterRising. Do you use Microsoft Exchange for your email. I do have an Exchange Online License as well so it beats my understanding as to why I am unable to add any of the tabs including the Calendar tab. 



Yes I am using Exchange Online for email.  Does sound a bit quirky.  May be worth opening a support ticket with Microsoft to see if they have any thoughts