Can't admit a member to a teams meeting on Polycom phone?

Steel Contributor
Teams-only org. Have a MS Audio conference line, as well as PSTN calling and Polycom VVX desk phones. Created a Teams meeting request for a few people. They tried to join using the Audio Conferencing PSTN # that's sent with the meeting request. They enter the conference ID, and are told to hold till the organizer admits them. They hear pleasant on-hold music while waiting... The organizer is already tee'd up on his Polycom desk phone, connected to the meeting/conference, and sees on his phone's screen that there are 2 participants waiting to join the meeting. However, there doesn't seem to be any way that we can figure out to admit them to the meeting. We can select them in the list, but that's about it. I feel like I've gotta be missing something. The phones are running the latest/greatest firmware. Bob
1 Reply

@Bob Manjoney I can't believe this is not sorted out already.

I'm new to Teams and have just configured to use it just for Audio Conferencing for now.

The only way for the leader to admit is to use the app.

However, I agree this is not ideal but from what I can see, this is the only work around I can think of.


Here’s my dilemma with Teams Audio Conferencing.


Without the application in mind.

By that I mean, this is to be used just with mobile and landline phones to dial into a conference call.

  1. All callers are dialling in using a telephone number and a conference ID.
  2. Let’s say that the leader is the last to join and joins with their leader pin.
  3. Once the leader has joined, the system is not admitting those in the lobby to the call.