Can admin set the default role of meeting participants to attendee instead of presenter?

Copper Contributor

Our school is working hard to get MS Teams ready to help us switch to long distance education when our school closes due to the coronacrises. We are testing Team meetings as a way to start online classes. The default settings make every participant of a meeting a 'presenter'. But we would like to give all particpants (= students) the role of attendee so the organizer of the meeting (= teacher) has more control over the meeting. It is quite labor intensive if the organizer has to change this setting for each meeting as you have to plan the meeting first before you can access the 'meeting policies' webpage after reopening the meeting in the Calendar.


Browsing the net I found a webpage that said that the IT admin can globally set meeting options like who needs to wait in the lobby before joining a meeting. As this is the other setting an organizer can change on the meeting policy webpage I figured that the admin should be able to set the default participant role to attendee but we can not find it in the Admin Center.


Can anyone assist us in this matter?

23 Replies

Hi All,


Something important when you set this setting:


When people are creating a meeting from a shared mailbox, there's no way to give anyone presenter rights! 



Try this (The URL is for my personal meeting, it will be different for yourself):


Basically, go to 

Meeting options:

Who can present?

Select "Only Me"
It will make all participants "Attendees" by default.
So that they can not present without your explicit permission.
If you want some one to present anything then you can change him as presenter by selecting "Make a presenter".
That url won't work..

And the question was about the default setting..

This can be solved with a Powershell command.


I executed the powershell command and when I use Get-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy I can see that the policy has been set correctly. But the default option for "who can present?" in meetings options is still "Everyone". Does this setting really work?