Assignments Teams - Viewed vs Not handed in

Copper Contributor
What is the significance between viewed vs not handed in status in assignment overview?
4 Replies

@WJByf Hello! The definition would be "the student has opened and viewed the assignment" vs "students who have not turned in work will show as Not turned in."


I am not that familiar with Teams for education but the support pages are really good. Go and have a look (if not already done).


Hope it helps!



Thank you - I have checked these before but they give info on all status' except for Not handed in - and students can be viewed and not have handed any work in yet some are directly flagged as Not handed in.


Many Thanks

I believe "not handed" in shows a pupil has not viewed the assignment at all. if you click on the view history on these pupils it shows only that the task has been assigned, but not viewed.

With pupils that show "viewed" then the view history gives a time and date of when that pupil looked at it.


Hope this helps @WJByf 

P.S. Click on the words "viewed" or "not handed in" and then "view history" (top right) to see this info ;)