Nov 09 2023 07:07 AM
Hi. I have a user that suddenly can't sign into their Logitech Rally Bar. It's not really a shared device so we gave him a Teams Premium license a a couple months ago and he's been fine. As of a couple days ago, he can't sign into the device. Authentication works, but once we go back to the device it says:
"Signing out...
Your current license is not supported on this device. Ask your IT administrator for details."
Did anything change recently? Is the only fix to make a Teams Room account for this device?
Nov 09 2023 08:40 AM
It is not allowed to sign in to MTR systems with a user license any more. You need a room license to sign in to MTR devices.
User licenses aren't supported for use with meeting devices. User licenses that have been assigned to teams meeting devices need to be replaced by an approved Teams Rooms license prior to July 1, 2023. Meeting devices that do not have a Team Rooms license after July 1, 2023 will be granted a 90-day grace period ending on September 30, 2023. After the 90-day grace period, devices will be blocked from signing in until a Teams Rooms license is assigned.
Also, Microsoft Teams Shared Devices licenses aren't supported on and won't work with Teams Rooms devices. Teams Rooms devices should only be assigned Teams Rooms Basic or Teams Rooms Pro licenses.