Now in public preview: Disabling auto provisioning of Wiki with new channel creation



We're making some changes to Wiki experience in Teams- channels. At present whenever a new private or standard channel is created then a Wiki is automatically provisioned for the channel and added as a tab in channels. 

Going forward, we're not going to provision wiki by default when a new private or standard channel is created. Users can add new wikis as tabs in channels as and when needed, there is no impact on existing wikis that are already available. 




Flighting status 

Available in public preview  


How to enable 

This config change is available to everyone. 


How does this feature impact the existing experience? 

There is no experience change for existing wiki and users can add wiki as a new tab in channels. 


Known issues 



Known limitations 



Enable your Teams client for the public preview  


  1. First, IT admins need to set an update policy that turns on Show preview features. Learn how at Public preview in Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Docs.   
  1. Users then choose to join the public preview individually. See Get early access to new Teams features - Office Support ( for instructions.  


Send us your feedback  

Got feedback on features in the public preview or other areas of Teams? Let us know straight from Teams via Help > Give feedback.  This is on the bottom left of the your client. 






Thank you, 

Preview Team, @Soumitra Paul 

Quality & Customer Obsession, Microsoft Teams 


2 Replies

Personally, I am happy about this future change. What is the timeline for the general public?



@Teresa_Cyrus  - Thanks for sharing the feedback!

The General Public timeline is towards end of this quarter ( provided we don't see any new issues)