Notifications when students hand in assignments

Copper Contributor

Teams often feels like software in beta development.

For instance, students in my classes appear to be able to press the "Hand-In" button on an assignment without uploading or adding anything, so they appear to have completed the assignment without actually doing anything.

Students who've actually uploaded their work have to wait for me to trawl through the assignment class register and grade their work rather later than they might like.

So I made an automated Flow which instantly alerts me when they upload a file - I can then read it straightaway and give immediate feedback if I like, as they're probably still online at this point.

You can add this to your class by downloading the template here:

Just edit the fields to match your own class file structure in Sharepoint.


3 Replies
Thank you so much! I have been looking for something like this for quite a while.

@Uta_Teams  glad to help!

@mbalax is there a way to mod this to detect when onenote assignments are handed in?