Export submitted LINKS (not files) from Teams or Sharepoint

Copper Contributor

Hi there!


I teach Software Development and Teams is our main platform. Through the assignment tab in Teams, my students submit a GitHub link every week. I know I can use Power Automate to generate a CSV for all submitted files stored in Sharepoint - but when students only submit a weblink, no files are generated (obviously).


My question is, where are these submitted links stored? Not in Sharepoint it seems. Is there any way to export these submitted links without having to copy paste 60 entries by hand? If I use the export-button in Teams, it only exports the grades and feedback, not the actual submissions. 


I hope someone can help me!

1 Reply

@NovaEekenUnfortunately, there are very few triggers for Teams in PowerAutomate/Flow and none related to assignments. I don't think there is any easy way to do this. However, if you have access to PowerApps and are willing to do some work it would be possible to get this information from the Education APIs in Microsoft Graph. This GET request in particular would return the objects you are looking for:  https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/educationsubmission-list-submittedresources?view=graph-re...