Oct 06 2022 09:52 AM
Perhaps my approach here is wrong so I will simply state what I am trying to do and the issues I am running into.
Trying to create two channels which can be accessed by the whole company. One channel for HR and the other for IT. The purpose of this is to better curate videos for the company so they can be found easier. Particularly within the HR folder there is a strong need to restrict videos to a specific subset of users. For example, there is a need to have one video for support staff and a different video on the same topic for say managers.
The issue:
when I remove the "share to all permissions" on the video it also removed the ability to save the video to the channel I uploaded it to. This is not what I wanted.
My Questions:
1. Am I correct in assuming that channels will not allow for mixed permissions for videos nested in them? If not how does one upload two different videos in the same channel with different view permissions?
2. How have others worked around this?
Oct 07 2022 04:56 AM
@RichCocksedge - you are using Stream (Classic). Stream (Classic) didn't have very customizable permission. If you have a company wide channel the only way to put videos into it is to make the video viewable by the whole organization itself.
Same with groups and channels in groups. If you make a group the video will get the same permission as the group.
You should not use Stream (Classic) and start putting your videos into SharePoint or Teams. Do these HR and IT departments already have SharePoint sites? Use that to store the videos. You can make any number of folders and libraries with unique permission per your needs.
Then make some SharePoint pages to feature the videos with the highlighted content web part to make something that looks like a channel or even just make a better gallery view on the document library and send that link out.
See https://aka.ms/StreamPortals
Stream (Classic) will retire in the next 1.5 years and migration tool is hitting public preview very soon.
Oct 07 2022 08:32 AM
@Marc Mroz so you're saying that the site (https://web.microsoftstream.com) is deemed "classic" correct? If that is the case and that version of stream is going away, then it immediately loses its appeal, and I cannot imagine I am alone in that comment. Stream presented so many great options for us: it looked like it could be a relatively easy to use organizational "YouTube" & allowed for a single link for people to go to in order to view the content in what should be an easily curated way.
I certainly understand the appeal of leveraging Stream and integrating it into SP but the fact remains that SP and the creation of sites etc. is a bridge too far for many and requires more technical input throughout the process. Adding a video channel into Teams could be an option BUT it does not allow for a single point of access like the "classic" site did. In this new SharePoint version of Stream is there the concept of playlists? Furthermore, I am looking at the stream for SharePoint and it simply gives me a data dump in a list. IMO - with the prevalence of video platforms like Rumble, YouTube, TikTok etc. people are already familiar with the idea of channels being a hub for similar content. It seems to me that the only thing MS needed to do here is have the content saved into SP in the backend and then it would allow a pointer to the same video to be in multiple spots without duplication.