Embed Sharepoint Videos

Copper Contributor

The sharing links to mp4 files in a SharePoint folder do not seem to work if embedded in an <iframe> tag, even when we have enabled  "share with any one with the link" for documents in that folder. 


Sholuld this work now, or must we wait for the new Stream Player for Sharepoint-based mp4 files. 

2 Replies

@jims-ca Great question.  I'm also wondering about this as we have a need to share video files stored in our SharePoint Team site on a public website.  We do not want users to authenticate to be able to watch the video.

@Riley Hale 

I am told that this will be a feature of the New Streams, based on sharepoint storage, after that is released in June (hopefully). Just keeping by fingers crosses, and the project on hold, until then.