Trimming a video and transcript together

Copper Contributor

Does anyone know how to trim a video and a transcript file together on Microsoft Stream?


If I record a Teams call, I can download the .mp4 and .vtt (transcript) for the full call. I can upload them together to Stream and all is well. However, if I trim a video (let's say I only want a 10min presentation from the middle of a meeting to be posted on Stream), the transcript file is deleted. I could go find the same section in the .vtt file manually and re-upload, but I don't have an easy way to update the relative timestamps in the .vtt file. Thanks!

1 Reply
We don't support this in classic today but you can generate the transcript again for the trimmed section.

For videos directly in SharePoint or one drive, transcripts generation for a video uploaded is coming. Public roadmap has it at April I believe.

Trim for videos in ODB and SPO isn't on the public roadmap yet but we are starting designs for it now.
