Orchestration failed

Brass Contributor


I tried to download the containers from the Stream Migration tool. So I went to the tool and clicked on "Add containers". The loading appears but fails after a while => orchestration failed.

Could you please tell me why?

Do i need to prepare an excel file first? https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepointmigration/mm-stream-csv


Sorry it is not really clear in the documentation


thank you

6 Replies

@CatherineEleen :

1. Can you check that when you landed in the Migration tool Scans tab, the connection was successful? To check that, you should see a green dot and the word 'Connected' on the top right corner of the screen. 

2. No, you don't need to add the containers manually via CSV. When you landed on the Scans tab it triggers auto-discovery of content in your tenant. It takes upto 15 mins for first set of containers to appear, if you have large data. Can you click on "Look for new Containers" from inside "Add containers" menu and wait for 15-20 mins.

Refer to public docs when you are running the tool https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/stream/streamnew/step-by-step-guide



If both the above things don't work, you can reach out to us by raising a CRI. Do mention your tenant id in the CRI.

I am well connected, I can see the green dot when i am in the scan tabs.

Can you click on "Look for new Containers" from inside "Add containers" menu and wait for 15-20 mins. => I did this, and i got the error message "orchestration failed".
The Scans tab lets you review the content in the tenant. Migrations is where you'll migrate videos.

i don't see the videos to be migrated...

I am contacting the CRI

thank you

I called Microsoft, this was due to the timeout

Hi @CatherineEleen, these timeout issues have been resolved. Can you retry once and open a support ticket if you see this error again?

Hello What is Tinout issue ?   we started migration yesterday night and today mirning we are unable to download teh report ..same error as Orchestration is not complete 

Hi @sejal1990, please submit a support ticket for this sharing screenshot and network trace (.har) file when this issue is occurring.