Embed tag search results in iFrame not working but channel embed is

Copper Contributor

Hi Guys.

If I try to embed a public channel from our work sharepoint in to confluence it works fine such as...


<iframe src="https://web.microsoftstream.com/embed/channel/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx" height="350px" width="80%" title="Vitruvian Data Channel"></iframe>


However when I try and embed a tag search it doesn't work, I guess because the SITE isn't public in the same way? 

<iframe src="https://web.microsoftstream.com/browse?q=%23vitruvian" height="800px" width="50%" title="Vitruvian Search"></iframe>


Can anyone recommend a work around? I have read you can't search within a channel with a URL parameter for the tags. I'm trying to add widgets to various parts of confluence that automatically populate with content that are useful for that channel, but not only that channel, also others hence was trying to avoid reuploading to multiple channels.

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