May 16 2018 02:50 AM
I exported a PowerPoint presentation containing video and audio narration as a video file (Using PowerPoint version 1803 9126.2152 CTR) then uploaded the resulting MP4 to Stream
Whilst both the PowerPoint slide show and the MP4 file are fine when played locally, uploading to stream causes the video and audio to gradually go out of sync - at the end of the presentation the audio is around 15 seconds ahead of the video.
This isn't an issue with bandwidth since I've tried it multiple locations and devices so would appear to be something to do with the Stream encoding. Anyone experienced anything similar?
May 30 2018 09:59 AM
Oct 18 2018 02:26 AM
Did you find out a solution?
We have the same issue.
Nov 07 2018 05:10 PM
I'm having a similar issue. I uploaded a 3 minute mp4 that got compressed by about 15 seconds. The audio and video fall out of sync almost immediately. I double-checked the mp4 and it's exactly what I wanted, so it seems that something is getting compressed or edited on upload to Stream.
Nov 15 2018 08:06 AM
I'm guessing there is an issue with your source video file in terms of encoding. It's possible the player you are using locally can handle the anomaly but I bet not all players (including Stream can't). Can you try encoding your video again? Where did you export it from?
Nov 15 2018 09:13 AM
The video was recorded using the Windows 10 camera app.
If I download the file, the audio/video is synced properly.
Nov 16 2018 09:42 AM
Trying my own 3 min video from the Win 10 camera app, I'll see if I can reproduce your issue. If not, then I might need you to send me your video so I can have engineers run it through encoding again to debug.
Nov 16 2018 11:56 AM
No luck. My 2 video tests from the Win10 camera app didn't have any audio/video sync issues. If you want to open a support issue and send them a copy of the MP4 with the issue, they can get it to us to run encoding / debugging.
Or if you want to send it directly to me I might be able to find time to have someone look at it.
Feb 13 2019 11:52 AM
I'm experiencing the same out of sync audio/video issue on Stream when exporting a PPT as MP4. Has anyone found a solution?
May 09 2019 04:13 AM
@Peter Banner @Sarah Stillings Having the exact same issue on Stream when exporting a PPT as MP4. The converted video is fine on the network. I have tried several different tools to compress the file and different compression settings but still having the same issue.
Jun 17 2019 02:01 AM
I'm just adding a "me too" to this. Same issue - PowerPoint MP4 export going out to Streams, and by the end of the video (24 minutes) the audio and video are out of sync.
Apr 09 2020 03:15 PM
@Peter Banner I am having this same problem. Video created with Windows 10 built in app. Audio is late on the video on Streams. If I download and play the file after it was uploaded, it plays fine on my computer. Going to try and re-encode on MAC to see if that fixes the issue.
May 13 2021 08:16 AM
I'm having a similar A/V sync issue, but essentially backwards. I have a video recorded in Stream, and it plays fine from online player. When I download the file to edit further, however, the audio and video are way out of sync. I can likely fix in video editing software, but that seems way more time-consuming that the project warrants. Any other ideas about why this might be happening?
Feb 05 2022 03:48 PM