Aug 13 2020 05:28 AM
We are looking for a way to define a certain group in which users recording meetings are to automatically go to.
Say we have Sales group 1 and Sales Group 2.
Sales Group 1 is to share their recorded meetings in their Streams group. These are visible to all members of that group but no one else.
Sales Group 2 is to share their recorded meetings in their Streams group. These are visible to all members of that group but no one else.
Now, we could tell each sales rep that they need to go into stream and manually choose to share their video with their group after each meeting. - But I think we all know sales. This won't be done.
Therefor we are looking for a way to define that Sales rep 1, he's a part of Sales Group 1 so all videos he records, should automatically be shared to Sales Group 1.
I have no found a single way to set videos to automatically share when recorded (through Microsoft Teams). There is an option to share will ALL but we don't want that - at all.
Any tips? Any type of function I've missed?
Best regards,