O365 Business Premium and Microsoft Stream

Copper Contributor

We are a new O365 Business Premium customer and are in need of a corporate video platform. Do you have any estimate on GA and if Stream will be bundled with Business Premium? If not, I will not engage in the preview so that we can instead focus on finding a different solution. For this small business, I really hope that you will consider bundling a certain level of service or storage with the Business Premium plan. Please forward to your business development and/or marketing team! Thanks!

13 Replies

@blakezachary Stream is not going to be included in Business Premium but it will be available to purchase stand-alone on a per seat basis.


We will definitely pass on the feedback to Business Dev team around Business Premium.

@vishal Thanks for the speedy reply! I think if you were to bundle x GB as a teaser with biz premium, we'd be much more likely to use it and pay for it once we're hooked and need more usage/storage. Our training and marketing people are chomping at the bit for something easy and seamless. Thanks!

@blakezachary thanks for sharing that. Meanwhile, Stream is free to try right now so would love any feedback on other capabilities too if you do try it out. We'll bring the Business Premium SKU discussion internally.

OK you've talked me into it - keep up the good work!

Just to echo Blake's comments, we're a <50 user company so are using Business Premium and would love access to Stream.  Wonder would it be possible to update the matrix here - https://stream.microsoft.com/en-gb/documentation/stream-license-overview/ - to cover what Business licensees can do with Stream (even if it is nothing)?  There are numerous discussions going occurring on different forums about the fact that Business Premium can get the trial, so maybe we're getting the final product etc, would be good to clear up the confusion.


FWIW even getting 'View Videos' with Business/BusinessPremium/BusinessEssentials (the same as the much cheaper K1 licence, hint hint) would be great, we could then upgrade our content creators to E3.  From Microsoft's perspective, this would give us Business users a taste of Stream and as more users get involved encourage us up to E3.

The Business Premium plans not getting any access to Stream but K1 does has been brought up a few times and your logic makes sense. We will for sure bring this up with our business planning team again now that we've gotten through GA and see if any changes are possible. We can't make any promises and just to give context it took lots of internal discussions and thinking before Stream was allowed into Kiosk as well, as it wasn't intially part of Kisok. 

Fair enough, thanks for replying so quickly!
What about Stream Standalone Plans pricing? Do you already have pricing models?

Stream standalone plans are listed on the Stream pricing page here:



Stream P1 - $3/user/month

Stream P2 - $5/user/month

Putting in my request for Business Premium subscribers to have access to stream. Small business owners need a break too 🙂



just echoing the request for Business Premium to include at least viewing rights please.


As a small company we’d be happy to purchase licences for those uploading content, but it’s not cost effective to purchase 130 licences for everyone to be able to view videos. Our users were excited by the preview but will probably revert to another platform, which would be a shame. 


Do you know if there’s been any movement on this?





Chipping on on this discussion/request;


I use Groups/Teams alot per (customer) project base.
This way I can bundle all data with a permission system specific for the client.
On occasion I create video's as manuals, how-to's etc but because it's specific for the client I can't "lock" it as private other than placing the video file on Sharepoint/Teams with the possibility that the video will be downloaded and shared.
With an addition of Stream (connected to the Group) we would have more control on who can access the video's.

Business Prem. users don't need massive amounts of space to store vids so a downsized/limited version would be sufficient enough for most business prem users.

Thanks for the feedback and letting us hear how you'd use Stream in Business Premium, it's great to hear your use case.


See my most recent response in this other thread on the same topic: 



We will keep passing your feedback on to our business planning teams that coordinate the packaging/licensing of our products. I'm hopeful that eventually we will be able to have Stream be part of the Business Premium licenses, just like we recently announced that the AI features will move down out of E5/Stream P2 to the other licenses Stream is already a part of.