MS Stream link - URL parameter to show specific subtitle

Copper Contributor

Dear all,
Thank you for being part of this community.

I could not find anything that answers my issue.
I only found some dead uservoice from 2017 that did not proceed.

Imagine you have a video with 4-5 languages (e.g. English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese) and want to send seperate links "by language".

Is it possible to share links with some parameter like subtitle=xy?

Best Regards,

3 Replies
I don't have any suggestions- but stumbled across this post when looking for answers for the same dilemma. It seems that there would be a way to do this... and it would be especially helpful in situations where the intended audience has a low technical level.
I have the same question. Anyone find out more?
Just for your information:

It seems that Microsoft is going to move the uservoices to some new feedback portal.
As I did not find any additional hints, I posted my question there, too: