HTTP and HTTPS live stream support

Not applicable
At the moment, Stream supports live streaming of streams based on RTMP (on port 1935) and RTMPS (on port 1936) for the Server ingest URL. For those of us behind corporate firewalls/proxies, it would be really useful if it could support HTTP (80) and HTTPS (443) based endpoints - even if it's still RTMP (though HTTP transport would be handy).
3 Replies

I sit behind a large corp firewall but my network guys were ok with opening up 1935 for outbound traffic, and they are pretty conservative.  Maybe a chat with them?

Hi Scott,

yeah, I've been there and if live streaming became a regular thing here, from a dedicated PC, I can see them being more amicable. But for now, while I'm just experimenting...



Generally though... It's time software vendors/developers got used to the idea of using proxies and the limitations that frequently come with that. Not everyone and especially not corporates, work on networks with unfettered outbound internet and yet that is frequently the assumption.



I was testing with FFMPEG and it's proxy support seems sketchy... At least on Windows...





BTW man the HTML editor in techcommunity is rubbish!

Oh well back to YouTube I go 😉