Trigger an alert when the existing alert is modified or deleted

Copper Contributor

I would like to create an alert and get triggered when the existing rules are been modified or deleted.

Can some one how to design it

5 Replies

@ss1247 Unfortunately it does not appear that the last modified date/time or last modified by is stored anywhere for Analytics rules.   I did add a request for this information to be saved somewhere as it is needed for MSSPs

@Gary Bushey @ss1247 


You can get the Rule info from the api, I've done this in a workbook

You could add this to a Playbook (ideal) or just look at the Workbook occasionally?


Annotation 2020-08-25 113747.jpg

My bad. I see you can indeed get the last modified date. Now if we could just add who last modified it that would be great :)

@ss1247 if you want to trigger an alert when existing analytic rules are deleted or modified you could use the below KQL queries (just replace <resourceGroupName> with the name of the actual resource group were you have Azure Sentinel):

let sentinelResourceGroups = dynamic(["<resourceGroupName>"]);
| where OperationName =~ "Delete Alert Rules"
| where ResourceGroup in (sentinelResourceGroups)
| where ActivityStatus =~ "Succeeded"
| extend AlertRuleId = Resource
| project TimeGenerated, Caller, CallerIpAddress, OperationName, OperationNameValue, Result = ActivityStatus, AlertRuleId, ResourceId
| extend AccountCustomEntity = Caller, IPCustomEntity = CallerIpAddress


let sentinelResourceGroups = dynamic(["<resourceGroupName>"]);
| where OperationName =~ "Update Alert Rules"
| where ResourceGroup in (sentinelResourceGroups)
| where ActivityStatus =~ "Succeeded"
| extend AlertRuleId = Resource
| project TimeGenerated, Caller, CallerIpAddress, OperationName, OperationNameValue, Result = ActivityStatus, AlertRuleId, ResourceId
| extend AccountCustomEntity = Caller, IPCustomEntity = CallerIpAddress


alert query when modified:




| where ActivityStatusValue == "Succeeded"

| extend Analytics_Rule_ID = tostring(parse_json(Properties).resource)

| project TimeGenerated , CallerIpAddress , Caller , Analytics_Rule_ID