Sentinel Playbook with incident trigger issue

Copper Contributor

Hello Community !


I have a set of playbooks to run automatically when an incident is created - using "When Azure Sentinel incident creation rule was triggered" or "Microsoft Sentinel incident" triggers.

So far it's been working well without issues, until today.


In my case, im creating incident based on this API :




Inside the logic app page for the playbook, there is no errors that appear !

It just seems like the logic app just doesn't fire.
However, I can run it manually, by selecting my incident, then "Run playbook".


Thank you for your help


1 Reply
Have you checked if the incidents are actually being raised as normal? I started seeing similar issues this morning (UK South region), but they are not related to a logic app as such, but rather stem from the fact that no new incidents are being created, even though there are current valid alerts in the table.