Jul 29 2022 09:20 PM
I'm trying to create a bar graph for total number of incidents that were generated in the last 6 months. Something like the attached image. Is it possible to create that in sentinel?
Thank you in advance!
Jul 31 2022 01:44 AM
Alter line #3 if you need more that 6 months or if you want to include the current month (-1 is to exclude the current month, use -0 if you need the "month to date" ).
You can alter line #6 to get the date format you require.
// get logs for previous n months
| where TimeGenerated between(startofmonth(now(),-6) ..endofmonth(endofmonth(now(),-1)) )
| summarize count() by month=bin(datepart("Month", TimeGenerated), 1)
// format month so we can sort it
| extend month = case(month==1,strcat(month,'. Jan'),month==2,strcat(month,'. Feb'),month==3, strcat(month,'. Mar'),month==4,strcat(month,'. Apr'),month==5,strcat(month,'. May'),month==6,strcat(month,'. Jun'),month==7, strcat(month,'. Jul'),month==8,strcat(month,'. Aug'),month==9,strcat(month,'. Sep'),month==10,strcat(month,'. Oct'),month==11,strcat(month,'. Nov'),month==12,strcat(month,'. Dec'),"error")
| order by month asc
Jul 31 2022 01:49 AM
Jul 31 2022 02:03 AM
// get logs for previous n months
| where TimeGenerated between(startofmonth(now(),-7) ..endofmonth(endofmonth(now(),-1)) )
| extend yy = datepart("Year", TimeGenerated)
| extend mm = datepart("Month", TimeGenerated)
| summarize count() by month=bin(datepart("Month", TimeGenerated), 1), tostring(yy), mm
// format month so we can sort it
| extend month = case(month==1,strcat('Jan/',yy),month==2,strcat('Feb/',yy),month==3, strcat('Mar/',yy),month==4,strcat('Apr/',yy),month==5,strcat('May/',yy),month==6,strcat('Jun/',yy),month==7, strcat('Jul/',yy),month==8,strcat('Aug/',yy),month==9,strcat('Sep/',yy),month==10,strcat('Oct/',yy),month==11,strcat('Nov/',yy),month==12,strcat('Dec/',yy),"error")
| order by yy asc, mm asc
| project-away yy,mm
| render columnchart title='Incident by Month'
Aug 05 2022 07:09 PM
Jul 31 2022 02:03 AM
// get logs for previous n months
| where TimeGenerated between(startofmonth(now(),-7) ..endofmonth(endofmonth(now(),-1)) )
| extend yy = datepart("Year", TimeGenerated)
| extend mm = datepart("Month", TimeGenerated)
| summarize count() by month=bin(datepart("Month", TimeGenerated), 1), tostring(yy), mm
// format month so we can sort it
| extend month = case(month==1,strcat('Jan/',yy),month==2,strcat('Feb/',yy),month==3, strcat('Mar/',yy),month==4,strcat('Apr/',yy),month==5,strcat('May/',yy),month==6,strcat('Jun/',yy),month==7, strcat('Jul/',yy),month==8,strcat('Aug/',yy),month==9,strcat('Sep/',yy),month==10,strcat('Oct/',yy),month==11,strcat('Nov/',yy),month==12,strcat('Dec/',yy),"error")
| order by yy asc, mm asc
| project-away yy,mm
| render columnchart title='Incident by Month'