Nov 07 2019 09:14 PM
I need to find a way how to check for the logs size in total that is been received from data connectors and the total number of data that is been received?
Nov 07 2019 10:35 PM
SolutionThere are few ways to collect data from Azure Sentinel:
// Billable performance data over the last 30 days
Nov 07 2019 10:47 PM
@Eli Shlomo - Thanks for the detail response. Appreciated.
Sep 21 2023 05:38 AM
Sep 21 2023 06:27 AM
I think the settings are only available by api or ARG (which also uses KQL).
ARG example for whole workspace
| where type == "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces"
| project name, workspaceRetention=properties.retentionInDays
| order by toint(workspaceRetention) desc
you can also load the "Sentinel Central" workbook, its shows the Workspace and Table retention details - you can look at the api's used by the Workbook.
To see the changes, you can look at this, however it will tell you who, what table and IP etc...but not what the setting was changed from/to
| extend resource_ = tostring(parse_json(Properties).resource)
Sep 21 2023 07:49 AM
Sep 21 2023 08:25 AM
resources is a table in in "Azure Resource Graph" (ARG) type: "resource graph" into the search in the Azure Portal. As of last week you can access ARG from the logs blade as well: Query Azure Resource Graph from Azure Monitor - Microsoft Community Hub
You are right its not showing in the Content Hub, its still in Github, so you can get it here:
[Ctrl-C] the workbook file content (these are JSON files),
To install into Sentinel, create a New Workbook: Add-Workbook --> Edit --> then use Advanced Edit (press the </> icon) then [paste] over any json that exists.
Press Apply
Then Save it
Sep 22 2023 01:56 AM
Nov 07 2019 10:35 PM
SolutionThere are few ways to collect data from Azure Sentinel:
// Billable performance data over the last 30 days