KQL query in sentinel for users first activity

Copper Contributor

Hi all,

since I am new to writing queries I would really appreciate your help.

I need to write a query that will show a specific users first activity and last activity in a day. I need to also project which activity it was and to sum it all up, I need the results to be in a row for each day.


I would really appreciate any suggestions or help.


Thank you

12 Replies

@mm83RI This should get you started


// Find the firstSeen for a User
| summarize arg_min(TimeGenerated,*) by UserPrincipalName
// join to last seen data for that user
  | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated,*) by UserPrincipalName
  // any column that ends in a "1" is a last seen
) on UserPrincipalName
// Note, the "*" in arg_min and arg_max will return all columns, 
// to reduce the noise you can name them or just project the needed ones.  e.g.? 
| project UserPrincipalName, TimeGenerated, TimeGenerated1, OperationName
This is great. But I would like to project which Activity was his first (for example Teams, Sharepoint site, etc) and the time.
Can I connect join somehow Office Activity with SigninLogs?



This will do that, if the UserPrincipalName in SigninLogs matches the UserID in OfficeActivity (you wont see people that do not have activity)

// firstSeen
| summarize arg_min(TimeGenerated,*) by UserPrincipalName
// join to last seen data
  | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated,*) by UserPrincipalName
  // any column that ends in a "1" is a last seen
) on UserPrincipalName
// the "*" in arg_min and arg_max will return all columns, 
// to reduce the noise you can name them or just project the needed ones? 
| project UserPrincipalName, TimeGenerated, TimeGenerated1, OperationName
| join 
// add any extra colums you need to the list
| summarize arg_min(TimeGenerated, OfficeWorkload, ResultStatus) by UserId
 ) on $left.UserPrincipalName == $right.UserId
| project UserPrincipalName, FirstSeen=TimeGenerated, LastSeen=TimeGenerated1, OperationName, FirstActivity=TimeGenerated2, OfficeWorkload, ResultStatus


This is almost everything that I need. Awesome.
Can you tell me please how to add Last activity?
And is it possible to get the results for a couple of days, so that the each day would be in a separate row?

Thank you so much



With added Last Activity 


// firstSeen
| summarize arg_min(TimeGenerated,*) by UserPrincipalName
// join to last seen data
  | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated,*) by UserPrincipalName
) on UserPrincipalName
| project UserPrincipalName, TimeGenerated, TimeGenerated1, OperationName
| join 
| summarize FirstActivity=arg_min(TimeGenerated, firstWorkload=OfficeWorkload, firstStatus=ResultStatus), LastActivity= arg_max(TimeGenerated, LastWorkload=OfficeWorkload, lastStatus=ResultStatus) by UserId
 ) on $left.UserPrincipalName == $right.UserId
| project UserPrincipalName, FirstSeen=TimeGenerated, LastSeen=TimeGenerated1, OperationName, FirstActivity, LastActivity, firstWorkload, LastWorkload, firstStatus, lastStatus


You should investigate the use of bin() bin() - Azure Data Explorer | Microsoft Learn  to help with the extra ask about seeing multiple days.



I got what I need from your query.. Thank you so much..

Could you help me with this one 

| where UserId == 'UserId'
| summarize FirstActivity = min(TimeGenerated), LastActivity = max(TimeGenerated) by bin(TimeGenerated, 1d)
| join 
| summarize FirstActivity = min(TimeGenerated), LastActivity = max(TimeGenerated) by bin(TimeGenerated, 1d), Application, OfficeWorkload
on TimeGenerated
| sort by TimeGenerated asc 


I need to change the time zone.. I suppose I should use "expand" but not sure how

You can add a new column with the Local time, use this:


e.g. (add the timezone of choice, I used 'CET' as an example)

| extend localtime_ = datetime_utc_to_local(TimeGenerated,'CET')


| where UserId == 'UserId'
| summarize FirstActivity = min(TimeGenerated), LastActivity = max(TimeGenerated) by bin(TimeGenerated, 1d)
| join 
    | summarize FirstActivity2 = min(TimeGenerated), LastActivity2 = max(TimeGenerated) by bin(TimeGenerated, 1d), Application, OfficeWorkload
on TimeGenerated
| project TimeGenerated, FirstActivity, LastActivity, Application, OfficeWorkload
| sort by TimeGenerated asc

This is the query that shows the results that I need.

The problem is the time is the same for all the actions.
how to project the exact time of each activity?





TimeGenerated, as you used bin() is no longer a precise time, its midnight for each day. So just dont project it, First and Last are the columns you need

on TimeGenerated
| project FirstActivity, LastActivity, Application, OfficeWorkload
| sort by FirstActivity asc

I did what you said and it still shows the same time for all applications.

do you have any idea why is that?

Could it be because I used bin()?

Is there any other way to do that?




I dont see that, if I run this (for all users):

//| where UserId == 'UserId'
| where TimeGenerated  > ago(3d)
| summarize FirstActivity = min(TimeGenerated), LastActivity = max(TimeGenerated) by bin(TimeGenerated, 1d), UserId
| join 
    | where TimeGenerated  > ago(3d)
    | summarize FirstActivity2 = min(TimeGenerated), LastActivity2 = max(TimeGenerated) by bin(TimeGenerated, 1d), Application, OfficeWorkload, UserId
on TimeGenerated
| project FirstActivity, LastActivity, Application, OfficeWorkload, FirstActivity2, LastActivity2
| sort by FirstActivity asc

 I then see:



this is what I get

I don't get it how times are so messed up. when i run the default query, times are different.

What I need to get is to get the first and last activity for each app in one day, for a specific user

from 00:00h until 23:59


