Feb 06 2021 10:40 AM
Feb 06 2021 10:40 AM
Hello Azure Security!
Currently, I’ve been waiting weeks to get my questions answered from Microsoft Support, and to be approved by the OneVet team - so I am bringing my questions to the forums, where the experts are.
If I was to offer an MDR solution to clients, what is needed, and why? I am projecting it would look something like this:
Is there anything missing in this stack that you would consider essential?
What are the current CSP pricing models for these services, (keep in mind, I do not have access to the CSP portal yet, and I’ve been waiting weeks)
NETFLOW data, I understand I can ingest this data into Azure Sentinel, but for a small-business operating without a switch or with a switch, with defender deployed on all endpoints... is NetFlow data needed?
Question on Capacity - I am trying to understand the average usage of a 10-endpoint office/business, and what the costs associated would be to deploy Microsoft Security Solutions as described above.
What is the typical usage for a small size business and medium size business?
Feb 08 2021 05:59 AM
@Deleted don't pay attention to the response from David, it looks like a scam.
Feb 08 2021 06:42 AM
Brilliant! @Javier-Soriano
Some of my questions have been answered via PM.
You can delete this thread , as I cannot edit the original content.
I do have some additional questions, do you mind if I PM you?
(p.s. I've read all of your documentation, well written)