Bulk Closure of old Incidents via PowerShell

Copper Contributor

Hi All, 


I am trying to close all MS Sentinel incidents via PowerShell using below script.


Get-AzSentinelIncident -WorkspaceName "XXXXXX_XXXXXX" -All | Where-Object {$_.status -eq "New"} | ForEach-Object {update-AzSentinelIncident  -WorkspaceName "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" -CaseNumber $_.CaseNumber -Status Closed -CloseReason FalsePositive -ClosedReasonText "Bulk Closure " -Confirm:$false}


This works fine for incidents, triggered in last 48 hr.  For older incident (older than 48 hr) it is giving below error.

Update-AzSentinelIncident: Unable to update Incident 7833 with error message Response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error).


Please help me over here, as I need to close over 8k old incidents.


@Rod Trent 

5 Replies

Hi @pecific147 


It might be the actual number of Incidents that are the problem versus the time range. Let me do some digging around here to find out.


I understand those Incidents existing in the workspace can be annoying, but they will expire from the workspace based on your retention setting.



Hi @Rod_Trent,

Did you find anything,?
Workspace retention is 365 days, so waiting for retention to expire won't work.
Run this command to close incidents (replace XXXX with needed information):
Get-AzSentinelIncident -ResourceGroupName "xxxx" -WorkspaceName "xxxx" | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "New"} | ForEach-Object {Update-AzSentinelIncident -Id $_.Name -ResourceGroupName "xxxx" -WorkspaceName "xxxx" -SubscriptionId "xxxx" -Status Closed -Confirm:$false -Severity Medium -Classification Undetermined -Title $_.title}
Like Rod mentioned, it may be the total amount of rules you are trying to work with that is causing the issue. I have not looked at the code for "Get-AzSentinelIncident" but the REST API only returns 50 items at one time by default. You could call the REST API directly and then use the "nextLink" that gets returned as the "skipToken" for the next call and iterate through your 8K incidents that way. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/securityinsights/stable/incidents/list?tabs=HTTP

@GBushey I have closed around 14K of incidents because of misconfigured analytic rule. It took some time and also I have modified the search parametar to close specific incidents with similar name.  Just replace YYY with the similar name of incident.


Get-AzSentinelIncident -ResourceGroupName "xxxx" -WorkspaceName "xxxx" | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "New"} | Where-Object {$_.title -like '*YYY*'} | ForEach-Object {Update-AzSentinelIncident -Id $_.Name -ResourceGroupName "xxxx" -WorkspaceName "xxxx" -SubscriptionId "xxxx" -Status Closed -Confirm:$false -Severity Medium -Classification Undetermined -Title $_.title}