Azure Sentinel SecurityIncident Table

Copper Contributor

I am not getting any data in Security Incident Table.

Hence no result for


| limit 10
5 Replies

@Saquib81 Are you part of the preview program? The SecurityIncident table is still in preview.

@Rod_Trent, No I am not. Its in Production. 

@Saquib81 Which is why you're probably not seeing data results. I have a tenant in preview that shows results, and a tenant not in the preview that shows no results.

Well... agree with you … then why is this table there in my workspace?



Unfortunatly, we don't have a way to have a "private preview" mode for a new table, so new tables "leak" private previews. Since private preview is imporatnt to us to get initial feedback, we still prefer to start with a private preview even if it leave a trace in everyone's workspace. 


~ Ofer