Where is my concierge subscription

Copper Contributor

I was charged $2.45 today from Microsoft Azure. That is not much but I cannot find where the charge is coming from. It does say Azure in the information about the charge. I checked my Microsoft account and there is nothing showing there. I looked in my Azure Portal and I have no subscriptions. I switched directories in the portal and the only directory I see is for a website (subdomain of onmicrosoft.com) that I previously had but it does not exist.


I did take some courses using Microsoft Learn and I created a concierge account. I have the username and password. I was told it was free but I had problems creating it and there was a small fee quoted for it; I assumed that was a mistake. I cannot find the concierge server. Can I assume it does not exist and I am not being charged for it?

2 Replies

@SimpleSamples When you use the sandboxes in Microsoft Learn, most of the exercises use the Azure subscription included in the sandbox.
Some exercises such as those in the AI Fundamentals, require you to use your own subscription or to create an Azure trial so you can use Azure Cognitive Services resources in the exercises. The cost Azure for using those labs in very small

I would guess you won't be charged any more but I would raise a support ticket in Azure to find out where the charge has come from https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Support/HelpAndSupportBlade/newsupportrequest

Oh dear...this is what I'm encountering too, but I didn't go so far as to create a subscription.
I"m wondering whether it's mixed up on which account I'm using?

I was able to create a sandbox for a later exercise....does it depend on which learning provider you initiated the "create sandbox" from? is there a problem with Coursera vs MSFT Learn?