Welcome to the Microsoft Learn community


Welcome to the official community and blog for Microsoft Learn! Microsoft Learn offers a comprehensive collection of training options that empower technical professionals to learn in a style that fits best, allowing you to advance your technical skills while earning achievements and/or preparing for Microsoft Certifications.


Join us for updates on training and certification news as well as conversation with the community around learning, training, and certification!


This is not the appropriate place for product questions. Do you have questions about Microsoft Teams, Excel, AzureWindows 10, or another product? Check out our list of communities and you're bound to find the appropriate community to ask your question. 


This is also not the place for certification support. Please contact Certification Support if you are having issues with registering for an exam, profile issues, missing certification etc.


If you're looking to ask a question or start a conversation about Microsoft Learn, which paths to take, what certification to explore next, you're in the right place! Ask away.

133 Replies
ok thank you
how to learn power bi
There is lots of learning material for Power BI - try https://powerbi.microsoft.com/learning/ and Microsoft Learn https://docs.microsoft.com/learn/powerplatform/power-bi
Thanks for communication! Please want to learn more about my Microsoft azure acceleration direction.
hello i need help to open my google , this problem started when i turned it off and when i turned it on and it started by itself the file restoration , some files also do not open
Hi Allison.
In the updated Certification Poster https://query.prod.cms.rt.microsoft.com/cms/api/am/binary/RE2PjDI there's an error in the Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate Box. There's a star indicating that this is an Expert Cert which it is not
Thanks! We'll get that fixed.

@allisonkraker Thank you for the clarification!

Thank you very much! It took me long enough8)
Sounds great
Im all eyes ears,and grey matter.
Although I haven't followed closely MS tech anymore, but I am still happy to see Big MS more open, it's wonderful to know MS build this Tech Community :)
Hello - this post is not the place to post questions about anything other than the Microsoft Learn platform. Sorry about that.
nice to be there

Hi Allison,
Is there a none educational version on the MIE, MIEE, MIET program.
I work in a college where the academic staff are working on the above certificates, but I cant find anything similar for the operational staff?

Hi @allisonkraker ,  I am very impressed with the content that I have been reading on Learn.


When there is something that needs clarifying (not a product question as such but a clarification of the learn content), it would be great if there was a forum to discuss a particular path/module/unit. Is there such a forum?




Thank you so much

Good to have community for MS learn, I am starting today and hopefully can contribute to this as well