Reg: unable to update Windows Virtual Desktop Agent

Copper Contributor


I recently created an RDS environment and WVD setup, I have installed Windows Virtual Desktop Agent. and Windows Virtual Desktop Agent Bootloader by following Create a Windows Virtual Desktop host pool with PowerShell . after configuring session hosts in the host pool, I was able to see the session host with a status error "Upgrade failed". I have downloaded agent and agent boot loader from only. and I was unable to find how to updated "agent and agent boot loader".



2 Replies

Hello @vinodbathi 

Sorry to disappoint you but this is the Microsoft Learn community and is not exactly specialized on your topic/question. Although one or the other MCT specialized in this technology could be visiting this community I have the feeling that your question should be posted in the respective community.
Thank you for your understanding. Here is the link to the community:
#MCT #LearnWithRolf #TheCloud42

HI @Rolf-42 

Thanks for sharing the link, I do post in that forum.