VelocityEHS mobile app authentication is blocked by the Intune app protection policy

Copper Contributor

VelocityEHS mobile app authentication is blocked by the Intune app protection policy

I was told by Microsoft support that the VelocityEHS mobile app is not compatible with the Intune app protection policies and therefore the app protection policy currently blocks authentication with Entra/Azure SSO on a corporate fully managed iOS device.


When I try to log into the VelocityEHS app on the fully managed device the error message is "We cannot authenticate you due to a browser error. Please contact our support team." VelocityEHS uses SAML to authenticate with Azure.


If I try to log into the VelocityEHS app on my personal phone I get a popup asking to Cancel or Continue, "VelocityEHS" Wants to use "" to Sign In. This allows the app and website to share information about you. After I click continue, then a browser opens up to Azure to authenticate using SSO.


Is there anyway around this besides disabling the app protection policy?

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