The Intune Managed Browser now supports Azure AD SSO and Conditional Access!

Community Manager

If you follow the blog, you know that Azure AD Conditional Access (CA) lets you easily secure access to Office 365 and all the other apps you use with Azure AD. It is our fastest growing feature ever and more than 23M users are now protected by conditional access policies! As it’s taken off, we’ve listened closely to your feedback about how we could improve Conditional Access and what you’d like to see next.


One of the features customers like you have requested the most is integration with the Intune Managed Browser. So today we are excited to announce two enhancements that are now in public preview:

  • Intune Managed Browser SSO: Your employees can enjoy Single Sign-on across native clients (like Microsoft Outlook) and the Intune Managed Browser for all Azure AD-connected apps.
  • Intune Managed Browser Conditional Access Support: You can now require employees to use the Intune Managed browser using application-based Conditional Access policies.


Read about it in the Enterprise Mobility + Security blog.

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