Nov 12 2021 09:11 AM
I'm new to Intune en App deployment. I created a desktop shortcut to a program of ours. That works fine, but now my question is how to remove te shortcut when the user is removed from the group.
I created the desktop icon through en install.cmd and a ps1 so the shortcut is placed on the users public desktop. Via Intunewinapputil I created the package. In de app deployment I put in the line for uninstall
command "del /f "c:\users\public\Desktop\%name%.url" (the real name not %name%)
I'm only stuck at how to remove the shortcut. How can I remove the shortcut? Do I use a group and assing it to "Assignments"? I'm missing a "link" I think.
Nov 13 2021 05:15 AM
Nov 15 2021 12:31 AM
Nov 15 2021 03:09 AM