Jun 07 2022 06:10 AM
In the last 2 weeks started seeing this, and have tested in 2 tenants and both doing the same.
Only happens on Registering / App Protection Policy applying.
The Encrypting Teams message just doesnt go away and only way to get around it is quit teams and reopen.
You can wait 30 mins / an hour it doesnt ever complete
Wondering if Encryption is actually applying and or if its just a bug with latest Teams
Happens when a APP is applied to Teams and only on Android
Jun 07 2022 06:52 AM
Jun 07 2022 08:31 AM
Yes only things on are
Prevent Cloud Backup
Prevent Save except to OneDrive Sharepoint
Encrypt Org Data
All the rest is on allow so share data from apps etc all allowed Print Allowed
Even Require Pin is on not required
Jun 08 2022 09:28 AM
Hi @Tim_Beer, I can't reproduce this. If you can, than I would start thinking about contacting MS support, but perhaps someone else has seen this too. Sorry I can't help you. If you do have more info, than please share so we all can learn.
Jun 13 2022 05:36 AM
Aug 22 2023 12:10 AM
I also experienced the same issue after Teams app updated on the background on my Android phone. What helped was to reinstall both teams and Company Portal app that is needed for it work in my office. Re-installing Teams only didn't work but Company P{ortal app solved it for me.
Sep 18 2023 10:26 PM
@SubAstral This worked! thanks a lot!!
Sep 19 2023 11:50 PM
I am getting error while opening Teams-in Android mobile. It is showing encrypting after 1 hr also.I see quick message and disappear in 30 sec. Encryption is failed in data base. Can you please help me resolve.
Best Regards,