Jun 10 2022 08:38 AM
I have the app policy for Outlook mobile contacts and calendar set to sync. When these are set on a device without InTune, the contacts show up in the native contacts app and the calendar items show up in the native calendar app.
When enrolling InTune with the Outlook mobile app in the work profile, InTune auto adds the native contacts app into the work profile and I see all my work contacts. If does not, however, add the native Calendar app into the work profile and there is no way for me to add this as it's not a google play store app.
Why do we lose the ability to see our work calendar items in the native calendar app on the work profile and have to first open Outlook then Calendar?
There is one setting in the Config Policy of Android Enterprise that is still confusing and not sure if this affects just the calendar (since the work contacts sync fine, I can search contacts in the native phone, contacts and messages app from work profile just fine):
I have mine set to the second option as it states we should never use the third but don't think this has anything to do with the calendar items.
Data sharing between work and personal profiles: Choose if apps in the work profile can share with apps in the personal profile. For example, you can control sharing actions within applications, such as the Share… option in the Chrome browser app. This setting doesn't apply to copy/paste clipboard behavior. Your options:
Jun 23 2022 06:54 AM
SolutionSep 20 2022 06:26 AM
Sep 20 2022 07:06 AM
Jun 23 2022 06:54 AM