Tech Community Live: Microsoft Intune
Oct 01 2024, 07:30 AM - 11:30 AM (PDT)
Microsoft Tech Community

MSI's that won't install

Copper Contributor

I've got a small estate but one that's entirely remote working only - so I'm reliant on InTune to get updates pushed out to remediate CVE's for basically anything and everything.


This has thrown up a few hurdles over the last 2 years but I've managed to resolve most of them with only minimal faffing around.


I've got 3 products right now though where the MSI's just absolutely will NOT play ball.


One is from Microsoft - the ODBC \ OLE drivers installers. 4 MSI's all told (ODBC v17 & v18, OLE v18 & v19)

The other is NodeJS.

I've done everything I can think of, but yet I still get either outright failures with precious little by way of logs (I'm looking at you Microsoft ODBC/OLE teams). Or I get conflicting errors.

Node.JS for example, from the log:
MSI (s) (04:E0) [14:11:06:005]: Product: Node.js -- Error 1925. You do not have sufficient privileges to complete this installation for all users of the machine. Log on as administrator and then retry this installation.

Error 1925. You do not have sufficient privileges to complete this installation for all users of the machine. Log on as administrator and then retry this installation.

But yet the MSI for Node.JS flags as 'Device' only:




Anyone else successfully managed to get these deploying via InTune, and if so, how?

4 Replies

1. Start with enable logging if you need to have more logs (my guess if you open a powershell/cmd session as administrator you can execute it)

2. Download psexec open a powershell session as system with -i and -s and try to manually execute that msi from that context to check if that makes a difference

3. Try to package the msi as a win32app (preferred way to go)
Start-Process msiexec.exe -Wait -ArgumentList '/I .\install.msi /quiet'

4. How is the alwaysinstallelevated policy configured?


*nods* I went the repack route last night after posting - Node.JS seems to be playing ball now:


Any of the ODBC/OLE entries though? Not so much...


What's interesting to me though is that the Intune logs on the endpoints show no record of the application instance or it's GUID.

Thoughts/suggestions welcomed!

Meant to say - the ODBC repacks now present the following error:

Fatal error during installation (0x80070643)


Made a bit of progress and ran into another oddity.


Install command that works:

msiexec /quiet /passive /i "msoledbsql.msi" /L*v "C:\Temp\msodbcsql.log" IACCEPTMSODBCSQLLICENSETERMS=YES ALLUSERS=1


But presents:


Question is whether the issue is with the installer, maybe the logic for the pre-req is configured for a match rather than match-or-greater.

Or the issue is with the pre-req (smacks of being much more unlikely)

Need to try through the other ODBC / OLE installers, see what they do. Will update Monday.