KIOSK Mode iOS/iPadOS with Edge and restriction to only one Website

Copper Contributor

Hi Guys,


i´ve setup a iOS Device for Kioskmode with a Regprofile without User Affinity. Additonaly the Config comes with the Kioskmodesetting and the Edge Browser with 2 Appconfigurations ( 1 targets device the other one targets the App). 


These are the Settings that ive configured:


So far so good. The Device enrolls userless. Through the VPP the Edge browser installs and the Settings in the Appconfiguration policy working perfectly fine - except the Allowed URLs Setting.


As a result no URL is blocked and the User can use every Website he wants.


APP´s are setup as well.


Any ideas are much appreciated.

1 Reply
I dealt with this same issue. I did find that if you use a new "Device Features" configuration file, the web content filter options allow for specific websites only. This works for me.