Intune installed desktop shortcut needs to be removed

Brass Contributor

created a desktop shortcut via intune windows app (win 32). Here is my script


New-Item -Path "c:" -Name "mem" -ItemType "directory" -Force

Copy-Item "S:\Shortcuts\UKG.ico" -Destination "c:\mem\UKG.ico"


$Shell = New-Object -ComObject ("WScript.Shell")

$ShortCut = $Shell.CreateShortcut("C:\users\public\desktop\UKG.lnk")



$ShortCut.IconLocation = "c:\mem\UKG.ico";

$ShortCut.Description = "UKG Shortcut";



(I replaced the path with ————————)


The app works fine and copies the ico file from a network share and places it on the c drive in a folder it creates named mem. Now after creating the shortcut they have decided to use SSO which is a new address. I need to delete the ico file in the mem folder and remove the desktop shortcut. I created a simple script.


$ShortcutFile = "$env:Public\Desktop\UKG.lnk"

if (Test-Path $ShortcutFile){ Remove-Item $ShortcutFile }

else { Write-Output "Shortcut Not Found" }


To just delete the shortcut. When I run the script as an admin in powershell it works just fine. If I try and run the script in a normal powershell it fails and says it doesn't have access to the public desktop. I ran the file in Intune as just a script and it fails.  I converted it to an intunewin file and added it as an intune windows app (win 32). It successfuly runs on all my pcs but does not remove the icon. I'm at a loss and I really need to remove this icon so I can push the new one. Any suggestions on how to remove it via a script or app? I've checked into remediation scripts but that isn't going to be an option for now.




23 Replies
I just added it and it's running now. I greatly appreciate all the help. This has driving me crazy for a few days now.

@Jesse13579 Yes 😄 Great to hear!

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For whatever reason after making that change to the uninstall it is now working. I removed the desktop shortcut from the test pcs and I've pushed it out to the other machines. I've had a full success rate so far. I greatly appreciate all the help and patience.