Tech Community Live: Microsoft Intune
Oct 01 2024, 07:30 AM - 11:30 AM (PDT)
Microsoft Tech Community

installing a exe but not working

Bronze Contributor

Hi all,


I am trying to install an emulator which is an exe with a license key but when installing it fails. 


I have been told that the install command is: 

Screenshot 2022-02-02 at 1.49.18 PM.png


But this doesnt seem to work via intune. 


I have packaged the .intunewin file pointing to the exe but no luck any ideas? 



49 Replies
I would just create a install.cmd in c:\install and copy the installation files in it. Command-line in it would be "installer.exe ISX_IED="license code" LOCALE=xxxx" Package it using the intunewinapp util specifying c:\install as location and install.cmd as install command and also in the installation parameters. You can also put a Uninstall.cmd in c:\install too or specify the command-line in the uninstall parameters in Intune.
Hi Harm, when creating the intunewin file is the setup file the install.cmd or the exe?
Thank you just testing I will let you know how I get on tomorrow! Just out of interest why a CMD rather than a powershell file? for install and uninstall
It's a habit I guess, you can use cmd or ps1 files to start the installation. powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file .\install.ps1 will also work. (When creating a .intunewin package just specify install.ps1 in that case)
Ohhh fair! Also when running the install runs on test device locally unless I move the install folder with all files inside into my onedrive location on the device is there a reason for that?
No, you can specify any folder you want from any location when creating .intunewin file. If I understand your question correctly 😉
I understand that but when trying to run the install.cmd within the install folder in my onedrive this just fails the cmd window just shuts down but when I move the install folder to another location which isnt my onedrive this works perfectly. wonder if there is some sort of settings that block cmd files running in the onedrive location
Ah, ok.. Don't know the security measures of your computer, it could be... But test run it from locally and save/keep it in OneDrive.. Or start using Github for storing and versioning of your installations 😉
Hi Harm, I have just checked endpoint and seem to get this error
(0x80070001) what does this mean? How do I investigate it
Could you post the contents of your installation folder in a screenshot, your install script and the settings of your App in Intune?



The install.cmd contains : "ClassWiz Emulator Subscription for fx-83GT X_85GT X Ver.2.01_b.exe" /l"1033" /s /v" /qn ISX_EID=My license"


normally that error codes means: invalid function. But it would help indeed if you post the content of the install folder and the install.cmd.

Also I would advice to do some troubleshooting of the install itself like I am explaining in this blog

So you could get back some errors what could be causing it

Here are the screenshots @Harm_Veenstra @Rudy_Ooms_MVP 


Screenshot 2022-02-03 at 7.01.01 AM.pngScreenshot 2022-02-03 at 7.02.02 AM.png


in the package part for the win32 set up i used install.cmd

What happens when you use psexec to elevate yourself to system and try to execute that same install command from that cal emulator\install folder
What do you mean? how would that look?

When I tested locally without using intune this works. So the command itself locally works
Testing an installation with system could be just a little bit different then using a normal admin account. And because intune installs that software as system..... 🙂



Sometimes I use something like this as command-line:

%~dp0\"ClassWiz Emulator Subscription for fx-83GT X_85GT X Ver.2.01_b.exe" /l"1033" /s /v" /qn ISX_EID=My license"

 Or this as install command-line:

.\"ClassWiz Emulator Subscription for fx-83GT X_85GT X Ver.2.01_b.exe" /l"1033" /s /v" /qn ISX_EID=My license" 



You could try using Windows Sandbox (Add/Remove Features) in combination with Run-in-Sandbox ( You can right-click a .intunewin file and choose "Test intunewin in Sandbox". Makes testing a lot easier 😉




1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by AB21805 (Bronze Contributor)



Works 🙂 




- Renamed long .exe file to shorter name
- changed install.cmd to "ClassWiz_Emulator.exe" /l"1033" /s /v" /qn ISX_EID=xxxxxxxx" (Removed the serialnumber 😉 )

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