How to Manually Sync the Compliance Policies

Iron Contributor

Hi All,


We have come across an incident where we need to exclude a device from a device compliance policy after the device got non-compliant according as per the policy. We have exclude the specific user from the compliance policy to meet the requirement (we have assigned the policy to user groups).


However, the issue is that the device not get back to the compliant state event after passed 4 days.  I would appreciate if anyone could help me here to manually get the device into the compliant state. 


Please note that, when we go to specific device > device compliance policies, we are not able to see the compliance policy anymore and other applied policies in complaint state (refer image01). However, the device is still showing as non-compliant in devices in Intune (refer image 02). Last checking time is continuously updating as well. 


Further, We have tried below troubleshooting but there is no luck yet. We are not still take a remote session to the device yet as we have some challenges to get a remote session from the end user.

  1. Sync the device from Intune Portal.
  2. remotely login into the PowerShell of the device and run below command.  
    1. Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Intune Management Extension\Microsoft.Management.Services.IntuneWindowsAgent.exe" -ArgumentList "intunemanagementextension://synccompliance"



We are not able to see the excluded compliance policy under policy name anymore and the all the applied policies are in complaint state as below.










Thanks in advance


1 Reply

What happens if you try to manually sync from the device within "School or work accounts" or the company portal? When did the device check in last time?