How to add App in Share File Via ...

Copper Contributor

Hi All,

i would like to know how to add other application in Share File Via ... 


Now in Teams and Outlook  Share File Via ...  only have Teams and Outlook 




May i know how to add Other , eg Pages , Number and Upload to OneDrive for Bussines


in the Intune  i select Polcy managed app with Open-In/Share filetring






in the Custom apps i have add
but the opation also not have Pages and Number opation  and the SAve to account >Select Account> OneDive  also popup save not allowed
3 Replies

Open-in/Share Filtering you can read about here:

"Policy managed apps with Open-In/Share filtering: Allow transfer only to other policy managed apps, and filter OS Open-in/Share dialogs to only display policy managed apps. To configure the filtering of the Open-In/Share dialog, it requires both the app(s) acting as the file/document source and the app(s) that can open this file/document to have the Intune SDK for iOS version 8.1.1 or above."

This option is really meant for apps that are part of the same APP policy and are built with the Intune SDK, thats the reason you only see those apps in the share box, they fulfil these two conditions.

One Drive should be a easy fix, you can just add the app to the current APP. But the two other system apps are more difficult. You need to exempt those apps from the APP policy, you can use 'Select app to exempt' in you screenshot to accomplish this. Here is some info:

As you can read there you need the iOS URL protocol scheme, this is really opaque and I do not know the schemes of Pages and Numbers on iOS, you can read little about it here:

You could try to ask Apple if you have connections with them but I doubt they will deliver the answers.

Maybe it would be better to start looking for alternatives like Work and Excel..



Thank you, after add OneDrive to Managed App, Share File Via... have a OneDrive , but Save to Account also not working.


The Big Boss like to use Page and Number .....

If this is for one user you can create a specific APP that allows all apps. From a security perspective this is not advisable because users in this position are mostly users that handle important company data but I understand the pressure. So you could three things:

- create an open APP policy
-contact Apple an try to find iOS URL Protocol schemes for Page and Number apps
-try to convince you boss to use different apps