Emergency Updates for LOB Apps Android Enterprise COSU

Brass Contributor

Hi ,


We are testing Android Enterprise in COSU mode in combination with Intune. We are using managed google play to upload the own developed LOB apps and assign them to the Kiosk Android device with Intune. This works as expected! After contacting google support they stated that the SLA with regards to release updates is 48 hrs. For LOB apps that are linked to production systems this is unacceptable , we need a way to update an application much faster if something did go wrong with a production LOB app , even after testing and piloting. We have now developed are own app that can update are production apps and are deploying this app along with the other LOB apps. I wanted to cross check if anybody has experience with this and if people can share the best practices. Is there any other way to get updates approved in the Managed Private Google plays store much faster? 


Just for the record , once the app is submitted and approved in the managed google play private store and synced with Intune the LOB apps are deployed within minutes , so that works fine. 

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