Tech Community Live: Microsoft Intune
Oct 01 2024, 07:30 AM - 11:30 AM (PDT)
Microsoft Tech Community

Don't have Access to Users within Endpoint Manager Admin Center

Iron Contributor

Trying to resolve an issue for a user whos having an issues accessing Users within Microsoft Endpoint Manager Admin Center.


When the user click Users from the menu, their presented with message "you do not have access"



-The user is a members of the build in role "Read Only Operator"

-User is able to access other menu options within EPM


Any suggestion to a resolution would be grateful.


Thank You,



2 Replies



Try adding the user to Intune Administrator role or Global Reader role in Azure.


Please like or mark this thread as answered if it's helpful, thanks!

Thank You for responding. I found that all they would need is Report Reader

Thank You!!!