Sep 13 2022 12:54 AM - edited Oct 07 2022 04:08 PM
Wrote a blog post on how to read the Intune logs using PowerShell,, this is the script for it, and yes... I think I need to learn Regex 🙂
#Function for reading the Intune Management Extension log
function Get-IntuneLogContent {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$Filepath
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $Filepath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
Write-Warning ("Error accessing {0}, check permissions" -f $false)
#Start reading logfile
$LogTotal = foreach ($line in Get-Content -Path $Filepath) {
#Get Time-stamp
try {
$time = (Select-String 'time=(.*)' -InputObject $line).Matches.groups[0].value.split('"')[1]
catch {
$time = 'n.a.'
#Get date
try {
$date = (Select-String 'date=(.*)' -InputObject $line).Matches.groups[0].value.split('"')[1]
catch {
$date = 'n.a.'
#Set datetime to n.a. if not found
if ($date -ne 'n.a.' -and $time -ne 'n.a.') {
$datetime = "$($date) $($time)"
else {
$datetime = 'n.a.'
#Get the component value
try {
$component = (Select-String 'component=(.*)' -InputObject $line).matches.groups[0].value.split('"')[1]
catch {
$component = 'n.a'
#If line is part of a muli-line, display it or else split it to message text
If ($line.StartsWith('<![LOG') -ne $true -or ($line.Split('!><')[3]).length -eq 0 ) {
$text = $line
else {
$text = $line.Split('!><')[3]
'Log Text' = $text
'Date/Time' = $datetime
Component = $component
#Return found items in a GridView
$LogTotal | Out-GridView -Title $Filepath
function Show-IntuneManagementExtensionLog {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Default")]
param (
[parameter(ParameterSetName = "Indiviudal")][switch]$AgentExecutor,
[parameter(ParameterSetName = "All")][switch]$All,
[parameter(ParameterSetName = "Indiviudal")][switch]$ClientHealth,
[parameter(ParameterSetName = "Indiviudal")][switch]$IntuneManagementExtension,
[parameter(ParameterSetName = "Indiviudal")][switch]$Sensor
#Warn if not parameter specified
if (-not ($AgentExecutor.IsPresent -or $All.IsPresent -or $ClientHealth.IsPresent -or $IntuneManagementExtension.IsPresent -or $Sensor.IsPresent)) {
Write-Warning ("No parameter specified, please use the AgentExecutor, All, ClientHealth, IntuneManagementExtension or Sensor parameter to display the log(s)...")
#If all parameter is set, set all switches to True
if ($all) {
Write-Host ("Processing all logs...") -ForegroundColor Green
$AgentExecutor = $true
$ClientHealth = $true
$IntuneManagementExtension = $true
$Sensor = $true
#Invoke the Get-IntuneLogContent with the path of the log
if ($AgentExecutor) {
Write-Host ("Processing AgentExecutor log") -ForegroundColor Green
Get-IntuneLogContent -FilePath C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\IntuneManagementExtension\Logs\AgentExecutor.log
if ($ClientHealth) {
Write-Host ("Processing ClientHealth log") -ForegroundColor Green
Get-IntuneLogContent -FilePath C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\IntuneManagementExtension\Logs\ClientHealth.log
if ($IntuneManagementExtension) {
Write-Host ("Processing IntuneManagementExtension log") -ForegroundColor Green
Get-IntuneLogContent -FilePath C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\IntuneManagementExtension\Logs\IntuneManagementExtension.log
if ($Sensor) {
Write-Host ("Processing Sensor log") -ForegroundColor Green
Get-IntuneLogContent -FilePath C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\IntuneManagementExtension\Logs\Sensor.log
Sep 14 2022 03:29 PM
Sep 15 2022 02:05 PM